Improving Service Performance
Productivity:Revenue Hrs/Available Hrs
1.Check for misuse of time on monthly or sundry work order
2.Ensure that repair order write-up time is put on revenue jobs
3.Check that bay cleanup times is put on revenue jobs
4.Have parts department alway promote addditional warranty if installed by the shop
5.Offer joint parts and service promotions to improve co-operation and increase sales
6.Don'fix machines on the phone unless absolutely necessary:3 minutr timer
7.Inspect every job for up-sales and verify this process
8.Offer after-hours or a second shift to better utillze facilities and grow revenue
9.Outsource dealer vehicle repairs and focus on revenue jobs
EFfficiency:Billed Hrs/Revenue Hrs
10.Standard job Pricing,MST's,offers huge opportunities for charge out efficiency
11.Develop incentive plans to drive efficiency awareness and buy-in
12.Service mangrment should monitor time cards,time entries,every day
13.Deliver parts to service bay to keep techs on jobs
14.Monitor reponsiveness of hydraulic hose fabrication
15.Ensure that parts orders are ordered as early in the day as possible
16.Train techs in parts ordering to create pick lists