The microstructure of the surface of blackberry bagasse was ana-lyzed before and after the extraction procedures using a scanningelectron microscope equipped with a field emission gun (FESEM –FEI Quanta 650). Samples were not dried after CO2extraction, justkept in a desiccator containing silica, under vacuum for 24 h prior toanalysis. Then, samples were coated with gold (using a 40 mA cur-rent for 60 s) in a SCD 050 sputter coater (Oerlikon-Balzers, Balzers,Liechtenstein). These sputtering conditions resulted in a gold layerof 16 nm. Both equipments were available at the National Labora-tory of Nanotechnology (LNNano) located in Campinas-SP/Brazil.Analyses of the sample surfaces were performed under vacuum,using a 5 kV acceleration voltage.