Refer to our discussion about English version of EA for DIN KR need to be changed to be the same as Korean one.
Hence, Grace Park our HR at KR office provide us revised version of English EA as attached for your kind review.
However, there is one concern we would like to check with you regarding Confidential Information.
We found that in Korean version there is more simple detail compare with English version. If you are agree that detail in English version is better we will revise Korean one and implement for new staff on board.
Your kind comment and confirmation would be appreciated.
Thank you.
8.2 Confidential Information
The Employee shall not any time, whether during the employment period or following the termination of this Agreement, for any reason whatsoever, directly or indirectly, disclose or furnish to any entity, firm, corporation, or person, except as otherwise required by law, any confidential or proprietary information of the Company with respect to any aspects of its operations, business or clients. “Confidential or proprietary information” shall mean information generally unknown to the public to which the Employee gains access by reason of the employment by the Company and includes, but not limited to, information relating to all present, or potential customers, business and marketing plans, sales, trading and financial data and strategies and operational costs.
In the event that employee during his tenure purposely or unintentionally damaged company's fame or property, OR when the employee divulge the confidential information that he obtained, OR if the employee spread rumor harming company's reputation, company has right to sue the employee. Employee keeps all the information on contract confidential. Any punishment from the company derived from not following this will be responsible by the employee.