An EPD value of +10 lb. for weaning weight in one breed may reflect an entirely different level
of genetic merit than a +10 lb. weaning weight EPD in a different breed. EPDs are reported by
each breed association as a plus (+) or minus (-) value in units consistent with the traits
measured. Traits such as birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW) and yearling weight (YW)
are expressed in pounds, but EPDs for scrotal circumferences are in centimeters, EPDs for hip
height are in inches and marbling is recorded in degrees. For example, a bull with an EPD Preparing for Value Based Marketing Course Lesson 3
weaning weight of +25.0 would produce progeny that should average 25.0 more at 205 days of
age than the progeny of a bull with an EPD for a weaning weight of 0.0.