aerobic stability than lactic acid [12]. Homofermentative LAB are the most common inoculants on the market.
Initially, the main goal of using these inoculants was to preserve the quality of the ensiled plants as near to
original levels as possible. Homofermentative bacteria
accomplish this goal by decreasing pH, reducing dry matter losses to a minimal level (2-3%), reducing proteolysis (the breakdown of protein) and ammonia formation and increasing lactic acid and dry matter
digestibility [13]. A fast decline in pH can also inhibit clostridial bacteria that produce butyric acid, a product
a bad fermentation that causes malodor. In addition
homofermentative bacteria have the potential to improve animal performance. The objective of this study is to inoculate
P. maximum grass with L. plantarum which has been
clearfully selected by carrying out of different
physicochemical test on different isolates with a
determination of its effects on microbial succession, chemical composition, aerobic stability and acceptability
by ruminant.,
the anaerobic environment and the other was incubated
at 37°C in an incubator for the aerobic environment.
to After 48hrs of incubation, growth was monitored at 570nm
with a spectrophotometer (Spectrumlab 752S).