William: sawasdee khrap
William: I just reply your email khrap
William: khob kun khrap
Me: ^_^
William: hi
William: Just returned last week from Bangkok
Me: And what are yoy working. Sory for ask it.
Me: Oh
William: I have a web designer company
Me: Ok
William: I employ 15 staff
Me: And yo come thailand foe holiday?
William: yes but also to buy condomium in Bangkok
William: Bought one Pyathai
William: near airport link
William: I am looking for a thai wife
Me: Then when you have to come thailang again
William: I will back in September to pay final payment for Condo
Me: ok
William: u work for dtac
Me: Not yet
Me: I got small shop
Me: My one
William: really
William: well done
William: shopping centre
Me: But just small
Me: Lol
William: where khrap
Me: Yes in shoping mall
William: ok which one
William: central plaza
Me: The mall bang kae
William: siam paragon
William: ok I know it
William: are u interested in marriage
Me: Yes
William: ok I have never married
William: can we please please keep talking OK
Me: Ok
William: khob kun khrap
William: do u have skype khrap
Me: I got
William: ok
William: can I add You please
Me: tukta984
Me: ^_^
William: anyway I send u my skype ok
William: khob kun khrap
William: thank you tukta
William: we talk later on skype ok
William: pop gun mai
Me: Never mind
Me: Ok
William: regards