The study of donors as development organizations with
their own technical cultures and operational quirks has flourished
in recent years. To some extent this is due to the development
of more reliable indicators for aid operations and
practices at country and project level, covering such themes
as transparency, selectivity, or compliance with “best practices”
enshrined in the Paris Declaration (Easterly &
Williamson, 2011; Ghosh & Kharas, 2011; Gulrajani, 2014;
Kilby, 2011; Knack, Rogers, & Eubank, 2011). There has also
been a renewed emphasis on assistance modalities, donor–recipient
relations, and issues of co-ordination and harmonization
(Swedlund, 2013; Winters & Martinez, 2015; Yanguas,
2012, 2014). And some researchers have delved into messy
bureaucratic entrails – where only consultants used to tread
– in order to better understand how donor priorities translate
into actual practices (Lebovic, 2014; Sjo¨stedt, 2013;
Vestergaard & Wade, 2013). We too are interested in analyzing
donors’ internal behavior, but with a focus on policy
change: to that end we require a basic analytical framework
for understanding how new ideas interact with existing
bureaucratic structures.
The study of donors as development organizations withtheir own technical cultures and operational quirks has flourishedin recent years. To some extent this is due to the developmentof more reliable indicators for aid operations andpractices at country and project level, covering such themesas transparency, selectivity, or compliance with “best practices”enshrined in the Paris Declaration (Easterly &Williamson, 2011; Ghosh & Kharas, 2011; Gulrajani, 2014;Kilby, 2011; Knack, Rogers, & Eubank, 2011). There has alsobeen a renewed emphasis on assistance modalities, donor–recipientrelations, and issues of co-ordination and harmonization(Swedlund, 2013; Winters & Martinez, 2015; Yanguas,2012, 2014). And some researchers have delved into messybureaucratic entrails – where only consultants used to tread– in order to better understand how donor priorities translateinto actual practices (Lebovic, 2014; Sjo¨stedt, 2013;Vestergaard & Wade, 2013). We too are interested in analyzingdonors’ internal behavior, but with a focus on policychange: to that end we require a basic analytical frameworkfor understanding how new ideas interact with existingbureaucratic structures.
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