Citizen participation or resident participation is perceived as an effective way to correspond to the diverse urban problems,
especially in the area of residential environment improvement projects and community activities. As the leading city of the
Honam region and a core middle city leading the development of the southwestern region, Gwangju city is planning and
under-developing new Housing Complexes and Urban Renewal Projects. The purpose of this study is to identify the perception
of Gwangju citizens on resident participation in community activities to suggest diverse strategies for improving quality of
citizen's life and making better living environment. For the research purpose, 1,380 questionnaires were distributed to the Gwangju
citizens who live in 5 autonomous districts -Dong-gu, Seo-gu, Nam-gu, Buk-gu, and Gwangsan-gu- and 601 were used in data
analysis. Although citizens in Dong-gu showed the lowest settlement consciousness, they required the highest level of need
for resident self-help activities. Contrastingly, Seo-gu showed the highest level of settlement consciousness and the lowest need
for resident self-help activities. Based on the results, high quality community facility should be provided to promote residential
satisfaction and consciousness of residential participation and self-help activity must be improved. And also, diverse strategies
for resident participation including development of resident education programs and search for regional resources should be
covered in further research.
Citizen participation or resident participation is perceived as an effective way to correspond to the diverse urban problems,especially in the area of residential environment improvement projects and community activities. As the leading city of theHonam region and a core middle city leading the development of the southwestern region, Gwangju city is planning andunder-developing new Housing Complexes and Urban Renewal Projects. The purpose of this study is to identify the perceptionof Gwangju citizens on resident participation in community activities to suggest diverse strategies for improving quality ofcitizen's life and making better living environment. For the research purpose, 1,380 questionnaires were distributed to the Gwangjucitizens who live in 5 autonomous districts -Dong-gu, Seo-gu, Nam-gu, Buk-gu, and Gwangsan-gu- and 601 were used in dataanalysis. Although citizens in Dong-gu showed the lowest settlement consciousness, they required the highest level of needfor resident self-help activities. Contrastingly, Seo-gu showed the highest level of settlement consciousness and the lowest needfor resident self-help activities. Based on the results, high quality community facility should be provided to promote residentialsatisfaction and consciousness of residential participation and self-help activity must be improved. And also, diverse strategiesfor resident participation including development of resident education programs and search for regional resources should beครอบคลุมงานวิจัยเพิ่มเติม
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