Phase 2 data was collected from two international study tours with online graduate students through on-site observations, informal interviews with participants, and student program evaluations. In total there were 23 study tour participants across both international study tours. The author, as a study tour leader, was a participant observer during both study tours described in this paper. According to Merriam (2009), participant as observer may occur when the researcher’s observer activities are subordinate to the researcher’s role as participant. Careful notes were taken during the study tours about the observations and reflections that were made during the experience (Merriam, 2009), and feedback from the student participants was also recorded. Students also were asked to keep journals of their own observations throughout their experience abroad. At each study tour’s conclusion, the university’s study abroad office conducted program evaluations to generate feedback from participants about their experience (Fitzpatrick, Christie, and Mark, 2009). The evaluation was based on a five point Likert scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) and included questions about the impact of the study tour such as “I had meaningful interactions with the local culture,” and “The study tour was informative and deepened my understanding.” Open-ended questions included, “What three items helped deepen your understanding?” and “Do you feel study abroad was a valuable addition to your educational experience?” Internal program documents and public records were also reviewed to provide additional context and validity (Yin 2009).
In an open-ended section of the survey, students identified barriers that would prevent them from participating in a study abroad program, revealing the time constraints and financial obstacles the majority of this population of students face. Students noted barriers such as having to make babysitting arrangements for children while abroad, getting enough time off from work, the cost of travel as well as the cost of not working while traveling, and seasonal limitations. Summer programs were noted as highly preferred by most respondents, the majority of who worked as teachers. Though other research on barriers to studying abroad indicate that financial concerns are not the top limitation for most students due to financial aid opportunities (Stroud, 2010), the survey reflected that in fact, for these students, time and money mattered a lot. As one respondent stated: “Not working and having to pay all of the usual bills while abroad is not easy for adult working students” (Brack, 2010). This is likely a reflection of the conflicting needs of non-traditional vs. traditional students.