Application number: 14817696
Client number: 29249993
15 June 2016
Kouang Sivilay
Dear Kouang Sivilay
Application for a visitor visa for:
Applicant: Date of birth:
Kouang Sivilay 30 March 1984
Thank you for your application for a visitor visa - General. We received your application on 10 June 2016.
Our decision on your application
We have declined your application for a visitor visa because you do not meet the requirements set out in visitor visa immigration instructions.
We have made this decision because:
We note that you were recently declined a visitor visa to New Zealand in March 2016, the letter dated 01 March 2016 outlining the concerns of Providing false information regarding immigration history, lacking of evidence of relationship to your relatives in New Zealand, the genuine intent for visiting New Zealand.
In supporting this application, you have declared that you intend to visit New Zealand from 27 June 2016 to 07 July 2016 and you have provided evidence of your employment in Laos, hotel booking and outward tickets.
Unfortunately, these documents do not mitigate all of the concerns raised in your previous application. Also, your circumstances in Laos appear unclear and doubtful given there’s limited evidence to demonstrate that you have strong personal ties in your home country.
Furthermore, you have provided discrepancy information about your employment in Laos. You have declared on your visitor visa application lodged in February 2016 that you worked in your family business, M S K Group Sole Company Limited since 1 February 2009. In this application, you have provided an employment letter stating that you have been employed by Daoneua Whole Development Co., Ltd as a Manager since 10 April 2010. As per the discrepancy information obtained in your previous and this application, we have a concern about the genuineness of your employment and character.
Based on all of the evidence submitted with your application, you do not appear to have strong personal, financial, employment or other commitments to your home country. Therefore we have concluded your personal circumstances may discourage you from your returning to your home country when your requested visa expires.
You do not therefore appear to be a bona fide applicant as defined by instruction E5.1, and do not appear to be eligible for a visa. Your character will also be reviewed if you apply again for any visa to New Zealand.
All immigration instructions referred to in the body of this letter have been attached for your reference.
We have considered if requiring a bond or granting a limited visa would lessen our concerns or if there are any special circumstances to justify an exception to immigration instructions, but can find no reason for any of these.
Requesting a Reconsideration
Under section 186 of the Immigration Act of 2009, there is no right of appeal or reconsideration against a decision on a temporary entry class visa application made outside of New Zealand (as per immigration instruction E7.35.1).
If you have new information that has not been considered by INZ, you can submit a further application. This would be considered on its merits and would need to show that you meet all relevant New Zealand government immigration instructions.
Your documents
We are returning the following documents:
Make sure you keep your documents and this letter in a safe place for future reference.
Please note that we do not return copies of the documents you send to us or original medical or police certificates.
Contact us
If you have any questions, you can:
call our Immigration Contact Centre on 0508 55 88 55 or 09 914 4100, or for those outside of New Zealand +64 9 914 4100, or
find answers to frequently asked questions or email us your enquiry at
You will need to tell us your application and client numbers (you will find these at the top of this letter). Please have them with you and be ready to quote them if you contact us.
Yours sincerely
Chanunya Phoolsri
Immigration Officer
Immigration New Zealand