The Center for Mathematics and Science
Education at Texas A&M University
contracted with Region 4 Education
Service Center (ESC) and a large, diverse
school district to conduct a longitudinal
study from 2005 – 2009. The
state achievement test scores of 5th graders
who were taught using a Grade 5
science textbook designed by Region 4
ESC were analyzed in this study. While
the text emphasized instruction via the
5E Instructional Model, the study was
undertaken to determine if sustained
training and utilization of the texts by
teachers and students changed the participating
district’s science achievement
gaps at Grade 5. The school district provided
their 5th grade student state science
achievement test scores. Baseline
data were generated from 2004 – 2005
scores and compared with scores from
2005 - 2009. Descriptive statistics were
used to determine group means, standard
deviations, and standard errors.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests
were used to differentiate state science
achievement group means by Test Administration
Date, Gender and Ethnicity.
Analysis of means by ethnicity revealed
an observable achievement gap between
White, African American, and Hispanic
students. Science scale score means by
ethnicity increased over the 5-year span.
While signifi cant 2 – way interactions
were determined between Test Administration
Date and Gender, Test Administration
Date and Ethnicity, and Gender
and Ethnicity, the effect for the interactions
were all small. Thus the SMEs
for the interactions were not provided.
Overall, the district’s African American
and Hispanic achievement gaps were
greatly reduced, more so than the state
AbstractThe Center for Mathematics and ScienceEducation at Texas A&M Universitycontracted with Region 4 EducationService Center (ESC) and a large, diverseschool district to conduct a longitudinalstudy from 2005 – 2009. Thestate achievement test scores of 5th graderswho were taught using a Grade 5science textbook designed by Region 4ESC were analyzed in this study. Whilethe text emphasized instruction via the5E Instructional Model, the study wasundertaken to determine if sustainedtraining and utilization of the texts byteachers and students changed the participatingdistrict’s science achievementgaps at Grade 5. The school district providedtheir 5th grade student state scienceachievement test scores. Baselinedata were generated from 2004 – 2005scores and compared with scores from2005 - 2009. Descriptive statistics wereused to determine group means, standarddeviations, and standard errors.Analysis of variance (ANOVA) testswere used to differentiate state scienceachievement group means by Test AdministrationDate, Gender and Ethnicity.Analysis of means by ethnicity revealedan observable achievement gap betweenWhite, African American, and Hispanicstudents. Science scale score means byethnicity increased over the 5-year span.While signifi cant 2 – way interactionswere determined between Test AdministrationDate and Gender, Test AdministrationDate and Ethnicity, and Genderand Ethnicity, the effect for the interactionswere all small. Thus the SMEsfor the interactions were not provided.Overall, the district’s African Americanand Hispanic achievement gaps weregreatly reduced, more so than the state
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