i. WGEN_US_FirstOrder: United States database containing weather information for 1,041 first order climate stations around the United States. This database is provided in the SWAT2012.mdb database and is the same weather database included in earlier versions of ArcSWAT.
ii. WGEN_US_COOP_1960_1990: United States database containing weather information for 18,072 first order and second order (COOP) climate stations around the United States for the period 1960 - 1990. This database is provided in the ArcSWAT_WeatherDatabase.mdb database.
iii. WGEN_US_COOP_1960_2010: United States database containing weather information for 18,254 first order and second order (COOP) climate stations around the United States for the period 1960 - 2010.