CHAPTER X ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURE ARTICLE 31 CHAIRMAN OF ASEAN 1. The Chamanshoof ASEAN shat rotate amuay, based on the aphabetical order of the Englsh names of Menter 2 ASEAN shall have, in a calendar year. a singe Chairmanship by which the Member State assuming the Chairmanship that char (a) the ASEAN Summt and related summits. (b) the ASEAN Coordinating Counc (c) the three ASEAN Community Counols: (d) where appropriate, the relevant ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies and senior offcals and (e) the Committee of Permanent Representatives. ARTICLE 32 ROLE OF THE CHAIRMAN OF ASEAN The Member State holding the Chairmanshi p of ASEAN shall: (a) actively promote and enhance the interests and wel- being of ASEAN, including efforts to build an ASEAN Community through policy initiatives coordination, consensus and cooperation (b) ensure the centrality of ASEAN: