1990s, only 30 states and the District of Columbia have passed renewable portfolio standards by April 2009. The effectiveness of state renewable energy policies has been found to be mixed and
debated. Some studies have found positive results [23,24], while others have found no significant results [25]. This is potentially due to that the state-level renewable energy policies have not considered the spatial dependence among biomass consumption, hence new efforts are still needed to add a cross-state dimension to statelevel energy policy and coordinate some elements of energy policy across states. Biomass consumption has significant linear relation with total disposable personal income, which has been examined by literature, e.g. Lambert D'Apote [26], World Bank [27], and recently Wang and Wang [18]. The time series analysis conducted by Lambert D'Apote [26] confirmed the significant linear relation of biomass consumption against biomass price. However, Victor and Victor [28] assumed that biomass consumption had the power relationship with biomass price. The positive impact of total disposable personal income on biomass consumption is probably
1990s, only 30 states and the District of Columbia have passed renewable portfolio standards by April 2009. The effectiveness of state renewable energy policies has been found to be mixed anddebated. Some studies have found positive results [23,24], while others have found no significant results [25]. This is potentially due to that the state-level renewable energy policies have not considered the spatial dependence among biomass consumption, hence new efforts are still needed to add a cross-state dimension to statelevel energy policy and coordinate some elements of energy policy across states. Biomass consumption has significant linear relation with total disposable personal income, which has been examined by literature, e.g. Lambert D'Apote [26], World Bank [27], and recently Wang and Wang [18]. The time series analysis conducted by Lambert D'Apote [26] confirmed the significant linear relation of biomass consumption against biomass price. However, Victor and Victor [28] assumed that biomass consumption had the power relationship with biomass price. The positive impact of total disposable personal income on biomass consumption is probably
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