ConclusionsDespite the recognised challenges of implementing the MDA,the results presented here suggest that treatment with tripledose albendazole has achieved a significant reduction in the levelof taeniasis, whilst also dramatically reducing the current levelof STHs within the village. Whilst the detected increase in theSTH prevalence between the first and second treatment interven-tions reflects the need for broader environmental and behaviouralchanges and sustained chemotherapy, the level of taeniasis atthis point has remained reduced since the first treatment. Ongo-ing monitoring will ascertain if the T. solium lifecycle has beensufficiently restricted by the concurrent interventions in the vil-lage pig population. This treatment regime may prove beneficialfor other suspected hot spots where a targeted approach is warranted. Finally, the authors strongly recommend the considerationof T. solium in broader STH and sanitation programmes currentlybeing rolled out under various development frameworks. Con-versely, those implementing T. solium control programmes shouldbe encouraged to monitor the broader impacts of their interven-tions on STHs and/or other coexisting parasites in their targetcommunities, further promoting the economic and policy ratio-nales for integrated approaches to NTD control.