Well, a little more... Maybe we shouldn't dwell on this, because it's not necessary nor greatly useful to know it to operate the scanner. But it might make the Histogram more comfortable to know a few more details, and to see a simplified example.
We want to measure the range of brightness of tones in our image, to help in setting shadow and highlight points. But absolute brightness is not very meaningful, because human eyes don't detect brightness linearly with color. Basically, we see Green as brighter than Blue. So, the term Luminance was invented, which is brightness adjusted to indicate appropriately what we really see.
Luminance is Gray tone values computed from RGB via the formula:
RGB Luminance value = 0.3 R + 0.59 G + 0.11 B
There are other variations of this formula also used, with slightly different numbers, but this one is fine to make our point here.
For example, a RGB color of (100, 150, 200) would compute its luminance as
(100 x 0.3) + (150 x 0.59) + (200 x 0.11) = 140
But if the color were (100, 200, 150), the luminance would be
(100 x 0.3) + (200 x 0.59) + (150 x 0.11) = 164
Meaning, the color with more Green is brighter to the eye than the color with more Blue. The purpose of luminance is to show that difference.
The luminance signal in your TV set uses the same formula, in fact, that was its origin. Every RGB pixel computes to a 8 bit Luminance value between 0 and 255 (because 0.3 + 0.59 + 0.11 = 1.0).
This weighting is required because we see Green well, much better than we see Blue. Saturated Blue is dark to the human eye, and it doesn't contribute much to perceived brightness. Said another way, the sensitivity of the human eye peaks in the green-yellow colors. To make that point, here is a test image with all saturated colors (value 255). The Green is brighter than Blue or Red, even when mixed with Red or Blue. Actually, especially if it is mixed, because the Luminance value is proportional to the total of all of the RGB components, the weighted sum of all the components.