In summary, Hofstede (2010) stood behind his doubt regarding the value of the
GLOBE dimensions (p. 1344). He claimed that the dimensions are constructs that are not directly observable, but are interpreted through verbal and non-verbal communication (p.
1345). Hofstede stated, "If they exist, it is in our minds — we have defined them into
existence. They are supposed to help us in understanding and handling the complex
reality of our social world. If they cannot do this, they are redundant" (p. 1345). Hofstede
continues to receive endorsements for the value and application of his five dimensions (p.
1345). His work has been confirmed through receiving a "harvest of 30 years of
correspondence with readers and users who have told and keep telling me where these
dimensions benefited them - understanding unexpected experiences, establishing new
forms of cooperation, sometimes even representing a turning point in their career" (p.
1345). Hofstede speculated that whether "the GLOBE project will be remembered as a
landmark contribution to our state of the art, or disappear into oblivion, depends on its
validations and applications" (p. 1345).