SOUNDTRACK - An official Soundtrack from the game’s musical score
◾MARINE TEAM LEADER - US Army Ranger, an elite member of the United States Army. Tough, capable, deadly. As their motto goes, ‘Rangers lead the way!’
◾MERINOV - All-around hustler and opportunist who will jump at every chance to come out prosperous. Has no moral spine and is not to be taken lightly.
◾DIAZ - Liaison for Langley on Operation Archangel in Sarajevo and Anderson’s partner. Though he can be haphazardly labeled as a desk jockey, he has had extensive field training and is certainly more than meets the eye.
◾MADDOX - Former US Delta Operator decorated for impeccable performance during 1991 Operation Desert Storm. A loose cannon who often compensates not having a sound game plan with an all-out adrenaline rush.