6. Case study: TxAIRE research house
The data used for the regression analysis presented in this section corresponds to the energy
consumption and weather parameters recorded at the TxAIRE Research and Demonstration House #1 [58]
during the month of June 2013. The house is unoccupied and all activities in the house are of an
academic nature. The house uses only electricity and energy consumption is recorded every 5 min
for the total electricity and HVAC equipment. Weather data is recorded also every 5 min by a
weather station located at the research site. For this analysis, the data is compiled to obtain
the hourly and daily data for the total energy consumption and weather parameters. The total
(house) energy consumption (electricity) is computed in Wh asso- ciated to the time period of
analysis (hourly or daily), while the outdoor dry-bulb temperature is computed in 1C and the
global horizontal radiation is computed in Wh/m2 associated to the time period of analysis
(hourly or daily). As a reference, the daily data is
given in Appendix A.