2.3 Dimensional regulation to carry loading plates
Bridges must have a 600mm×600mm-space to put a loading plate at the bridge center and the quarter point of the span.
Deck bridges
The space between outer edges of main girders must be smaller than 600mm because two loading plates, the width of which is 600mm, are placed on the top face as shown in Fig.2.4(a).
Through bridges and half through bridges
Through bridges and half through bridges, for example “through truss bridge”, ”through arch bridge”, “Vierendeel bridge”, must have two or more floor beams in each loading area. In order to place loading plates, the distance between inner edges of main structure must be over 600mm Fig.2.4(b).
2.3 Dimensional regulation to carry loading platesBridges must have a 600mm×600mm-space to put a loading plate at the bridge center and the quarter point of the span. Deck bridgesThe space between outer edges of main girders must be smaller than 600mm because two loading plates, the width of which is 600mm, are placed on the top face as shown in Fig.2.4(a). Through bridges and half through bridgesThrough bridges and half through bridges, for example “through truss bridge”, ”through arch bridge”, “Vierendeel bridge”, must have two or more floor beams in each loading area. In order to place loading plates, the distance between inner edges of main structure must be over 600mm Fig.2.4(b).
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