guidelines should be in writing and include where the suggestion box will be located, who will review the suggestions, how often the suggestions will be reviewed, and how the suggestions will be selected and then addressed. While the leadership team discussed several options on where to locate the suggestion box and who might prepare the paper forms, they did not consider an online alternative. SurveyMonkey (2010) could be utilized as an online tool to allow team members to access the suggestion box through the Internet and at their convenience. SurveyMonkey has the capability to store all suggestions in one area where the data is easily retrieved and anonymous and would also provide a cost savings on material resources. To sustain this initiative, the leadership team might consider the suggestion box as another business policy and include the guidelines and a brief statement about the initiative in the employee handbook. Shaw and Lindsay (2008) explained that teams are successful and effective when the leaders of an organization make a conscious effort and commitment to provide team members with an opportunity to be involved and contribute in different ways. Lines (2004) added that efforts to involve team members and provide them with a greater voice in organizational initiatives positively impacts team member performance (Lines, 2004).
Continue with potlucks and celebrations. The study findings were clear, team members wanted to build relationships and have fun together. The leadership team acknowledged the preference for these events to be timely and supported the continuation of potlucks, celebration lunches, and dinners. According to Kouzes and Posner (2007), putting celebrations on the organization‘s calendar is another way to create a sense of community and a collaborative environment. For JFSC, this action plan is a significant opportunity to bring team members together, to create team spirit, and to build relationships and support. The leadership team