C The Sirens come from Greek mythology. They were very attractive creatures who were half woman and with wings and claws. They lived on an island between Italy and Sicily, and their beautiful voices and haunting songs lured sailors to their deaths by making them steer their ships straight towards the island and crash onto the rocks.
D Unicorns were magical mythical creatures that looked like horses. They first appeared in ancient myths from Mesopotamia, China and India. They were strong, wild and fierce, with glossy white coats, blue eyes and a horn projecting from their foreheads. People believed that if they drank from a unicorn's horn they would be immune to all poisons.
E The Hydra was a huge snake-like monster with nine hea Each head was attached to a long neck, and if one was cut off, two would grow back in its place. They feature in Greek and African mythology.
F Giants were creatures that appeared mainly in European folklore They were tall fat and ugly. huge human-like and some had only one eye. were feared and hated because of their cruelty, stupidity and fondness for eating They people, although friendly giants were not completely unheard of.
G Griffins were gigantic mythical creatures from the Middle East and the Mediterranean. They had a lion's body and an eagle's head and wings, with pointed ears like a ith the speed and sight of an eagle and the strength and courage of a lion, griffins often protected vast treasures.
Centaurs, from Greek mythology, were half horse and half man. They were human from the waist up, with the body and legs of a horse. There were two races: the first were wild and violent creatures that lived in the mountains e forests; the other were gentle, wise and intellectual.