Cracking is implied when a material breaks without entire separation and nut cracking, therefore, occurs when loaded to rupture without crushing the embedded kernel. Peasant farmers, who abound in the trade, break the nuts, one at a time, between two stones judging the magnitude of the applied force by experience. Palm nut in a natural rest position lies longitudinally, so that the impact is applied along the lateral axis. Conventional mechanical nutcrackers are often of the centrifugal type (Manuwa, 1997; Obiakor & Babatunde, 1999). The nuts are either fed into aslot on arotor turning at avery high speed or are fed into a cracking chamber where they are impacted upon by metal beaters turning at a high speed, which throws the nuts against a cracking ring. The speed is adjusted for acceptable cracking efficiency. The nuts impinge the wall at random orientations but with repeated impact, due to bouncing, until they are discharged cracked or uncracked, albeit with much kernel breakage (Obiakor & Babatunde, 1999).