In this paper training and research tools are reviewed to simulate ship handling.
Real-time simulation with a real human being in the control loop comes closest to reality.
It is a dynamic process in which the human factors, his possibilities and his shortcomings
are fully taken into account. This includes the variability due to natural differences in the
skills of pilots and ship masters. A real- time simulator is a standard tool for training purposes.
One step further down the validity scale one finds man-machine models in which the
ship dynamics and human functions are modelled. The models vary in the sense the different
aspects of the manoeuvring task are modelled.
The SHIPMA model is basically an autopilot to provide an upper bound on manoeuvring
The FORCESIM model describes more complex manoeuvring tasks utilizing tug boats.
If tug boat manoeuvring per se is involved, the more advanced TUGSIM model should be