Several researches have already been carried out in intrusion detection for traditional wired networks. Applying the research of wired networks to wireless networks however is not an easy plug-and-play task because of key architectural differences. Due to their vulnerabilities, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) provide a tougher challenge for designing an IDS.
In this article we give a survey of techniques used to elaborate intrusion detections systems (IDSs) in MANETs environment. The organization of our article is as follows. Our survey of methods to implement IDSs in MANETs is presented in section 2. We conclude our article in section 3.
Evolution of Intrusion Detection Systems for MANETS
In this section we give a survey on IDSs for MANETs. Mainly, we will present essentially the well-known techniques used for IDSs according to the recent literature.
Two techniques were elaborated in 2000 by Marti, Giuli, and Baker [1], Watchdog and Pathrater, to be added on top of the standard routing protocol DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) in MANETs. The Watchdog identifies the misbehaving nodes by eavesdropping on the transmission of the next hop, while the Pathrater helps to find the routes that do not contain those nodes.
Albers et al. [2] elaborated in 2002 a collaborative and distributed architecture of IDS by using mobile agents. On every node, a Local Intrusion Detection System (LIDS) is implemented for local concern that can be extended for global concern by cooperating with other LIDS. Two kinds of data are exchanged among LIDS: intrusion alerts to inform others of locally detected intrusion and security data to obtain complementary information from collaborating nodes. Data must be obtained from what the LIDS detects, with additional information from other nodes in order to analyze the possible intrusion.
Similar to Watchdog and Pathrater scheme, another approach called CONFIDANT (Cooperation Of Nodes, Fairness In Dynamic Ad-hoc NeTworks) [3] has been proposed in 2002 to overcome the drawbacks of the Watchdog and Pathrater by ignoring misbehaving nodes in the routing process. Based on trust, every node identifies its neighbors as enemies and friends. Also, friends are informed of enemies.
OCEAN (Observation-based Cooperation Enforcement in Ad hoc Networks) [4] was elaborated as another extension to the DSR protocol in 2003. Also, OCEAN uses a monitoring system and a reputation system. The elaborated solution relies only on its own observation to avoid the new vulnerability of false accusation from secondhand reputation exchanges. Therefore, OCEAN implements a stand-alone architecture.
Bo Sun et al. in [5] elaborated a non-overlapping Zone- Based Intrusion Detection System (ZBIDS) that fits the requirement of MANETs. They introduce details of constructing the Markov Chain based local anomaly detection model, including feature extraction, data preprocess, detection engine construction, and