Data were collected by means of qualitative, in-depth, face-to-face interviews of one hour duration. A semi-structured interview protocol was used to address all relevant topics, to maintain sufficient exploratory flexibility and to allow for communicative validation[16].The
first questions on a topic were open and generic. These questions were designed to explore whether a women had experienced shifts in her nutrition awareness, since preconception or pregnancy. Shifts in nutrition awareness could be related to general nutritional topics applicable to all consumers, such as the consumption of fruit, vegetables and dairy products, and to more pregnancy-specific nutritional topics, such as the consumption of folic acid
and unpasteurised cheeses and meat.
After each nutritional
topic had been touched upon, in order to explore her
underlying motivations, the respondent was asked why
particular shifts did or did not take place. Next, the
respondent was asked about her nutrition awareness during
the previous three months compared to earlier phases in
life, she was questioned about why these shifts did or did
not take place. In order to obtain reliable and valid answers,
the interviewer sought confirmation that she had understood correctly by summarising what the participant had
said. To establish reproducibility, the interviewer used an
interview protocol that contained a standard introduction,
purpose and conclusion[17]. To ensure reliability, a part of
the interviews were watched by the second author of this
article, through the use of a live video of the interview in
another room.
Data were collected by means of qualitative, in-depth, face-to-face interviews of one hour duration. A semi-structured interview protocol was used to address all relevant topics, to maintain sufficient exploratory flexibility and to allow for communicative validation[16].Thefirst questions on a topic were open and generic. These questions were designed to explore whether a women had experienced shifts in her nutrition awareness, since preconception or pregnancy. Shifts in nutrition awareness could be related to general nutritional topics applicable to all consumers, such as the consumption of fruit, vegetables and dairy products, and to more pregnancy-specific nutritional topics, such as the consumption of folic acidand unpasteurised cheeses and meat. After each nutritionaltopic had been touched upon, in order to explore herunderlying motivations, the respondent was asked whyparticular shifts did or did not take place. Next, therespondent was asked about her nutrition awareness duringthe previous three months compared to earlier phases inlife, she was questioned about why these shifts did or didnot take place. In order to obtain reliable and valid answers,the interviewer sought confirmation that she had understood correctly by summarising what the participant hadsaid. To establish reproducibility, the interviewer used aninterview protocol that contained a standard introduction,purpose and conclusion[17]. To ensure reliability, a part ofthe interviews were watched by the second author of thisarticle, through the use of a live video of the interview inanother room.
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