If there was one thing I could change in the world, I would change the aspect that people have on life. The aspects that the more power you have, the more control you have of the world. That the only thing you need is power and money to be happy and successful. I want the aspect on life to be no matter where you come, no matter who you are; you can make a difference. Because more times than not a person who comes from a very wealthy family automatically believes that they deserve special treatment. That is why I want to change that aspect, so even the smallest most insignificant person who has been put down his or her whole life can rise above all that pain that they have been through and show people that they can make a difference. All the problems that the world is going through come from people who thing that they are better, we need to strive for a better future. And hope for a better tomorrow that is what I would want to change in the world.