school efforts is related to continuous improvement adaptation, and collective problem solving in the face of complex challenges that keep rising" (Fullan, 2005, However, it needs to be reinforced that each context is different and the needs of the individuals implementing innovations vary, but planning for change with this effective change zone orientation is a valuable for educational leaders so that this "high" touch" process for change is given the appropriate priority it deserves, It is predicated on focusing as much, if not more, on the human side ofchange as it is on the specific programs to be implemented. People make happen and leaders who address the needs of the people making the changes are on the path to making those changes successful and sustaining them. But, as the real world contexts of schools including the people, especially the various stakeholders, continually change; it is important to recognize that the needs of the people implementing and sustaining will change accordingly. The savvy leader recognizes the ev er-changing complexities of their respective contexts and plans for change by considering their contemporary human capital factors at each specific time period. The imperativenes of using this "high-touch" needs-based approach to make changes in real world school contexts is consistent with the advocated by strategic planners. ss to dehumanize, oversimplify and artificial- ly make our educational world linear and restricted, it is imperative that we develop strategic plans based upon the actual realities of our organization and society, which are complex" (Kaufman, Herman & Watters, p Thus, educational leaders who function in the "effective change will be those most likely to plan, implement, and sustain the institutional changes necessary to adapt to current and future educational needs.