The study found that Kortland [8] conducted a
study to explore a decision making of students aged
13-14 in the Netherlands, after teaching the students
arguments about a decision making situation had
improved as far as clarity of the criteria used for
evaluating alternatives is concerned. Ratcliffe [15]
conducted a study to explore a decision making on
environment issues. The result found that the
appropriate framework to follow during discussion
among small groups of 15 year olds being able to
begin to address. However, the written work was
examined alongside the audio-taped discussion.
Grace [4] and Lee [8] found that the positive value of
students taking part in short decision-making
discussions was guided by a structured framework as
part of their normal science classroom activities.
Campbell et al [2] published a student-centered
curriculum with provide a model for decision making
focused on defining the problem and emphasized
identification of values and role play in decision
making. Edelson et al [4] created the Stakeholder
consequence Decision making (SCDM) for high
school students. He found that decision making
process was accessible and engaging to a broad
range of students. Lee [9] found that data on the
outcomes and student feedback were collected from
the student worksheets, class observations and
student interviews. A group of five students from
each class was interviewed after the lesson. Lee and
Grace [10] and found that initial and final decisions
of the students reveals notable changes in their
International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2014 Copyright © 2014, Infonomics Society 1779
reasoning after carrying out the activity. They made
less appeal to anthropocentric values and showed a
greater inclination toward a perspective of
biocentrism. Kaewmuangmoon [19] said that the
students could make socio-scientific decision making
after the curriculum implementations were
significantly different at 0.05 above the cut-off score
of the socio-scientific decision ability test. Lee and
Grace [11] found that in different contexts, students
had shared different perspectives on reasoning,
evidence of data collection, decision criteria along
with some decision making behavior in solving
similar socio-scientific issues. Yu [21] explained that
socio-scientific issues could support the learning of
science in relation to morality and ethics along with
enhancing the student’s obvious ability in ethical
terms and other elements that influence their lives;
such as an export of electronic waste to poor
developing countries, etc. This points out that
morality has an important role in a student’s decision
The most important results obtained by the
researchers were given in concern with decision
making in issues regarding sciences at national and
international levels. It was found that one should
develop an academic curriculum on a relative
quantity emphasizing the development of potential in
solving a problem and doing decision making.
[18] discovering that such an ability have been in
solving a problem and decision making with points
in finding solution and decision making higher than
the crossover point. Kaewmuangmoon [19]
discovered that students had decided to work on
socio-scientific decision making in a higher level
than the crossover point of the test of ability in
decision making concerning socio-scientific issues.
During a process of decision making of secondary
high school students regarding nuclear physics,
based on the management of scientific, technological
and social ideas (STS) Anantasook [1] found that
decision making done by individual students had a
more consistent pattern because of their experience
in group work. Students with different intelligence
tended to have different processes of decision
making based on a mutual decision in their group. It
was indicated that the majority of the mentioned
research are based on either qualitative or
quantitative data. As a result, the obtained data were
not sufficient for analysis and conclusion ,
undermining reliability. Furthermore, the majority of
research, in emphasis of developing curriculum, does
not specify or in cases of a study of decision making,
each step was independently classified. In an
international level of research, there were those who
had studied the issues and their related ones. Lee
and Grace [9] pointed to an importance in the
process of seasoning of students in concern with
socio-scientific decision making under a wide variety
of biodiversity under the scope of a particular
decision making by stimulating students through
brain storming to generate different perspectives. In
this process, the teacher has a role in supporting and
guiding the student through appropriate solutions,
discussing pros and cons, framing criteria in
selecting a choice and reflecting a result of their
decision. Besides, they would have to develop a
scientific concept in tackling relevant issues so that
the student could realize it and make use of it as a
knowledge base for decision making. It was
discovered that the participant students were able to
use scientific knowledge more effectively than they
used to before joining the experiment.
Anthropocentric values are based on the benefits of
human beings alone and values of biocentrism
feature a mutual win-win between humans and other
organisms. Students became more confident in a
process of decision making. Besides that, Lee and
Grace [10] found that in different contexts, students
had shared different perspectives on reasoning,
evidence of data collection, decision criteria along
with some decision making behavior in solving
similar socio-scientific issues. It was discovered that
in different contexts, the framing of decision making
would be different generating perspectives in
reasoning and reflecting different metacognitions.
Qualitative discussion would be based on the
student’s chances in group work. Meanwhile, Yu
[21] explains that socio-scientific issues could
support the learning of science in relation to morality
and ethics along with enhancing the student’s
obvious ability in ethical terms and other elements
that influence their lives; such as an export of
electronic trash to poor developing countries, etc.
This points out that that morality has an important
role in the student’s decision making. The study of
science in the future should, therefore, emphasize on
socio-scientific issues.
การศึกษาพบว่า Kortland [8] ดำเนินการศึกษาการตัดสินใจของนักเรียนอายุ13-14 ในประเทศเนเธอร์แลนด์ หลังจากการสอนนักเรียนมีอาร์กิวเมนต์เกี่ยวกับสถานการณ์การตัดสินใจเท่าที่ความชัดเจนของเงื่อนไขที่ใช้สำหรับการปรับปรุงประเมินทางเลือกที่เกี่ยวข้อง Ratcliffe [15]การศึกษาสำรวจการตัดสินใจปัญหาสิ่งแวดล้อม ผลพบว่าการกรอบที่เหมาะสมตามช่วงสนทนาในกลุ่มเด็กอายุ 15 ปีความสามารถในการเริ่มต้นที่อยู่ อย่างไรก็ตาม งานเขียนได้ตรวจสอบควบคู่ไปกับการสนทนาเสียงน้องแอนเกรซ [4] และลี [8] พบว่าค่าบวกของเรียนส่วนตัดสินใจในระยะสั้นสนทนามีคำแนะนำจากกรอบโครงสร้างเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของกิจกรรมห้องเรียนวิทยาศาสตร์ปกติCampbell et al [2] ประกาศนักศึกษาศูนย์กลางสูตรให้แบบจำลองในการตัดสินใจเน้นการกำหนดปัญหา และเน้นรหัสของค่าและเล่นบทบาทในการตัดสินใจทำให้ ผู้ที่สร้าง Edelson et al [4]ส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจทำ (SCDM) สำหรับสูงนักเรียน เขาพบว่าตัดสินใจกระบวนการสามารถเข้าถึงได้ และต้องให้กว้างช่วงของนักเรียน ลี [9] พบว่าข้อมูลในการมีการรวบรวมผลและข้อเสนอแนะของนักศึกษาจากแผ่นงานนักเรียน ชั้นสังเกต และการสัมภาษณ์นักเรียน 5 จากกลุ่มนักเรียนแต่ละชั้นถูกสัมภาษณ์หลังเรียน ลี และGrace [10] and found that initial and final decisionsof the students reveals notable changes in theirInternational Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2014 Copyright © 2014, Infonomics Society 1779reasoning after carrying out the activity. They madeless appeal to anthropocentric values and showed agreater inclination toward a perspective ofbiocentrism. Kaewmuangmoon [19] said that thestudents could make socio-scientific decision makingafter the curriculum implementations weresignificantly different at 0.05 above the cut-off scoreof the socio-scientific decision ability test. Lee andGrace [11] found that in different contexts, studentshad shared different perspectives on reasoning,evidence of data collection, decision criteria alongwith some decision making behavior in solvingsimilar socio-scientific issues. Yu [21] explained thatsocio-scientific issues could support the learning ofscience in relation to morality and ethics along withenhancing the student’s obvious ability in ethicalterms and other elements that influence their lives;such as an export of electronic waste to poordeveloping countries, etc. This points out thatmorality has an important role in a student’s decisionmaking. The most important results obtained by theresearchers were given in concern with decisionmaking in issues regarding sciences at national andinternational levels. It was found that one shoulddevelop an academic curriculum on a relativequantity emphasizing the development of potential insolving a problem and doing decision making.Sungseewo[18] discovering that such an ability have been insolving a problem and decision making with pointsin finding solution and decision making higher thanthe crossover point. Kaewmuangmoon [19]discovered that students had decided to work onsocio-scientific decision making in a higher levelthan the crossover point of the test of ability indecision making concerning socio-scientific issues.During a process of decision making of secondaryhigh school students regarding nuclear physics,based on the management of scientific, technologicaland social ideas (STS) Anantasook [1] found thatdecision making done by individual students had amore consistent pattern because of their experiencein group work. Students with different intelligencetended to have different processes of decisionmaking based on a mutual decision in their group. Itwas indicated that the majority of the mentionedresearch are based on either qualitative orquantitative data. As a result, the obtained data werenot sufficient for analysis and conclusion ,undermining reliability. Furthermore, the majority ofresearch, in emphasis of developing curriculum, doesnot specify or in cases of a study of decision making,each step was independently classified. In aninternational level of research, there were those whohad studied the issues and their related ones. Leeand Grace [9] pointed to an importance in theprocess of seasoning of students in concern withsocio-scientific decision making under a wide varietyof biodiversity under the scope of a particulardecision making by stimulating students throughbrain storming to generate different perspectives. Inthis process, the teacher has a role in supporting andguiding the student through appropriate solutions,discussing pros and cons, framing criteria inselecting a choice and reflecting a result of theirdecision. Besides, they would have to develop ascientific concept in tackling relevant issues so thatthe student could realize it and make use of it as aknowledge base for decision making. It wasdiscovered that the participant students were able touse scientific knowledge more effectively than theyused to before joining the experiment.Anthropocentric values are based on the benefits ofhuman beings alone and values of biocentrismfeature a mutual win-win between humans and otherorganisms. Students became more confident in aprocess of decision making. Besides that, Lee andGrace [10] found that in different contexts, studentshad shared different perspectives on reasoning,evidence of data collection, decision criteria alongwith some decision making behavior in solvingsimilar socio-scientific issues. It was discovered thatin different contexts, the framing of decision makingwould be different generating perspectives inreasoning and reflecting different metacognitions.Qualitative discussion would be based on thestudent’s chances in group work. Meanwhile, Yu[21] explains that socio-scientific issues couldsupport the learning of science in relation to moralityand ethics along with enhancing the student’sobvious ability in ethical terms and other elementsthat influence their lives; such as an export ofelectronic trash to poor developing countries, etc.This points out that that morality has an importantrole in the student’s decision making. The study ofscience in the future should, therefore, emphasize onsocio-scientific issues.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
