1. Enter Sims Freeplay.
2. Have all your Sims in one house.
3. Have them garden anything.
4. Close down the game entirely.
5. Enter general settings
6. Turn the automatic date to off.
7. Enter Sims Freeplay.
10. Wait until it loads, and wait 10 seconds after it loads.
11. Exit Sims Freeplay again.
12. Repeat step 5 in settings.
13. Turn airplane mode on.
14. Repeat step 6.
15. Change the date to a month ahead, and a day ahead to the current date.
16. Repeat step 1.
17. It will say it not able to connect, hit retry and quickly double click the home button and enter settings.
18. Turn airplane mode off and re-enter Sims Freeplay
Note: May not work the first time.