8 Delimitations of scope
This study seeks to explore and understand various factors that have significant impact
on the introduction and use of e-learning in tertiary-level IM education in Sri Lanka.
Thereby this research aims to develop a contextual model of factors to help guide the
introduction and use of e-learning in tertiary-level IM education in Sri Lanka (it does not
aim to prescribe the mechanism for implementing e-learning in IM education or to
develop predictive theory).
Sri Lanka has a multi-ethnic and multi-religious population. The major ethnic group is
Sinhalese. The remainder are Sri Lankan Tamil, Indian Tamil, Sri Lankan Moor and others
(Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka, 2012). Buddhism is the dominant
religion, but there are other religions (Hinduism, Islam, and Roman Catholic and other
forms of Christianity). However, I used higher level national culture as a lens for this study
to explore and understand national cultural influence on the introduction and use of elearning
in tertiary-level IM education in Sri Lanka rather than examining sub-cultures in