When classifying patterns, we have to proceed especially from the scale of interpretation of aerial photographs. Belt patterns generally correspond with morphostructural conditions of the area at the mesochoric to macrochoric level; however, there are cases, where they may
Fig. 1 Dispersed settlements near Hrin ˇova Town on the pediment area of Pol’ana Mts.—example of cultural-natural archetype patterned by a mosaic of stripe arranged fields (Photograph: F.Petrovic ˇ 30,07.2011)
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be confirmed in the conditions of alpine morphodynamic systems at the microchoric level, i.e. at the level of one slope, respectively its part. An important attribute of archetypes of mountain and sub-mountain regions is also the character of heterogeneity and fragmentation of the landscape. At mesochorical level, for some types there is reflected a high degree of heterogeneity, and apparently also a low rate of orderliness, what may not be true if we increase the scale. Such is also the case of the territory with dispersed settlement in the area of Hrin ˇova ´, at the foothill of the neo-volcanic mountain Pol’ana (Fig. 1). The relief of piedmont, fluvially divided upland was limiting the agricultural activity especially due to the slope incline, shapes of relief, forms of surface concentrated runoff and slope deformations (see figure below). The result is a colorful mosaic of narrow stripe fields, separated by balks of various types, from loamy, stony to stepped, often accompanied by tree and shrub vegetation. Archetype is also a quasi-homogenous area different from its current surroundings, characteristic in a specific manner and intensity of land use, with typical representation of landscape elements linked to the forms of relief and their spatial layout. This is significant at the micro-level of the landscape of lateral erosion valleys. Their shape and slope processes were determined by the human activities, especially by the dynamics of surface runoff and at the same time the need for water retention in the landscape. This is particularly specific for the mountains formed by flysch strata of sandstones and claystones on the inside and outside of the arc of the Western Carpathians. In the mountainous area of Slovakia, the representative archetypes are found in the following types of relief: • expanded erosion furrows typical for flysch mountains, • deep-cut expanded fluvial valleys with occurrence throughout the whole upland and alpine area, • relief of mountain ridges and fluvially cut karst plateaus, • relief of karst plateaus.
Landscape archetypes of fluvial erosion furrows and valleys
This archetype is primarily linked to the flysch uplands and highlands of the northern and north-eastern Slovakia, for example, in the area of Low Beskids, Spis ˇ Magura, Orava Beskids. Landforms were determined particularly by the characteristics of geological structures that were a predisposition for the development of morphologically distinct V-shaped valleys or expanded erosion furrows between individual mountain ridges. Intensive fluvial modelling and slope processes also currently represent the most dynamic landscape elements. In the conditions of narrower river valleys in the mountain part, we generally observe linear clusters of settlements parallel to the direction of water flow and perpendicular arrangement of land-use elements, arable land, gardens, meadows and pastures in a shape of narrow symmetrically ordered strips in the direction of the fall line. Erosion furrows of flysch highlands and foothills of the northern and north-eastern Slovakia, as well as the foothills of the central Slovak neovolcanites provided favorable conditions for the formation of archetypes in the bottom and foothill locations of valleys with predominantly duplex buildings and relatively large gradient of the reach of human activities, from kitchen gardens and narrow striped, respectively terraced fields, through hay meadows, pastures, shrub-pasture formations to continuous forests. The results of the interplay of human and natural factors in these conditions are generally fan-like, or feather patterns in land cover. Often occurring are dendritic patterns of vegetation formations of
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young erosion gullies, which point out the understanding of the importance and need of drainage systems of surface runoff in the conditions of unsuitably deforested areas. We observe a rich representation of landscape elements in the expanded erosion furrows, which have a character of small basins. Regarding erosion furrows, we generally observe linear clusters of settlements parallel to the direction of water flow and perpendicular arrangement of the elements of land use, arable land, gardens, meadows, pastures in the form of narrow symmetrically ordered stripes in the direction of fall lines, which were sporadically preserved in the northern part of Slovakia. Representative archetypes of erosion furrows are represented by the regions of Oravska ´ Polhora (Fig. 2) and Sihelne ´ as a part of Podbeskydska ´ furrow and the region of Z ˇdiar in the in-between-mountain position between Spis ˇ Magura and Belianske Tatras
ผลลัพธ์เมื่อจัดประเภทรูปแบบ ที่เราต้องดำเนินการโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งจากการตีความรูปถ่ายทางอากาศมาตราส่วน เข็มขัดรูปแบบโดยทั่วไปสอดคล้องกับเงื่อนไขบริเวณ mesochoric macrochoric ระดับ morphostructural อย่างไรก็ตาม มีกรณี ที่พวกเขาอาจชำระ Dispersed fig. 1 ใกล้เมือง ˇova Hrin บริเวณ pediment ของคุณ Pol'ana ตัวอย่างของ archetype วัฒนธรรมธรรมชาติลวดลาย ด้วยกระเบื้องโมเสคของลายจัด fields (ถ่ายรูป: F.Petrovic ˇ 30,07.2011)Biodivers Conserv123be confirmed in the conditions of alpine morphodynamic systems at the microchoric level, i.e. at the level of one slope, respectively its part. An important attribute of archetypes of mountain and sub-mountain regions is also the character of heterogeneity and fragmentation of the landscape. At mesochorical level, for some types there is reflected a high degree of heterogeneity, and apparently also a low rate of orderliness, what may not be true if we increase the scale. Such is also the case of the territory with dispersed settlement in the area of Hrin ˇova ´, at the foothill of the neo-volcanic mountain Pol’ana (Fig. 1). The relief of piedmont, fluvially divided upland was limiting the agricultural activity especially due to the slope incline, shapes of relief, forms of surface concentrated runoff and slope deformations (see figure below). The result is a colorful mosaic of narrow stripe fields, separated by balks of various types, from loamy, stony to stepped, often accompanied by tree and shrub vegetation. Archetype is also a quasi-homogenous area different from its current surroundings, characteristic in a specific manner and intensity of land use, with typical representation of landscape elements linked to the forms of relief and their spatial layout. This is significant at the micro-level of the landscape of lateral erosion valleys. Their shape and slope processes were determined by the human activities, especially by the dynamics of surface runoff and at the same time the need for water retention in the landscape. This is particularly specific for the mountains formed by flysch strata of sandstones and claystones on the inside and outside of the arc of the Western Carpathians. In the mountainous area of Slovakia, the representative archetypes are found in the following types of relief: • expanded erosion furrows typical for flysch mountains, • deep-cut expanded fluvial valleys with occurrence throughout the whole upland and alpine area, • relief of mountain ridges and fluvially cut karst plateaus, • relief of karst plateaus.Landscape archetypes of fluvial erosion furrows and valleysThis archetype is primarily linked to the flysch uplands and highlands of the northern and north-eastern Slovakia, for example, in the area of Low Beskids, Spis ˇ Magura, Orava Beskids. Landforms were determined particularly by the characteristics of geological structures that were a predisposition for the development of morphologically distinct V-shaped valleys or expanded erosion furrows between individual mountain ridges. Intensive fluvial modelling and slope processes also currently represent the most dynamic landscape elements. In the conditions of narrower river valleys in the mountain part, we generally observe linear clusters of settlements parallel to the direction of water flow and perpendicular arrangement of land-use elements, arable land, gardens, meadows and pastures in a shape of narrow symmetrically ordered strips in the direction of the fall line. Erosion furrows of flysch highlands and foothills of the northern and north-eastern Slovakia, as well as the foothills of the central Slovak neovolcanites provided favorable conditions for the formation of archetypes in the bottom and foothill locations of valleys with predominantly duplex buildings and relatively large gradient of the reach of human activities, from kitchen gardens and narrow striped, respectively terraced fields, through hay meadows, pastures, shrub-pasture formations to continuous forests. The results of the interplay of human and natural factors in these conditions are generally fan-like, or feather patterns in land cover. Often occurring are dendritic patterns of vegetation formations ofBiodivers Conserv123young erosion gullies, which point out the understanding of the importance and need of drainage systems of surface runoff in the conditions of unsuitably deforested areas. We observe a rich representation of landscape elements in the expanded erosion furrows, which have a character of small basins. Regarding erosion furrows, we generally observe linear clusters of settlements parallel to the direction of water flow and perpendicular arrangement of the elements of land use, arable land, gardens, meadows, pastures in the form of narrow symmetrically ordered stripes in the direction of fall lines, which were sporadically preserved in the northern part of Slovakia. Representative archetypes of erosion furrows are represented by the regions of Oravska ´ Polhora (Fig. 2) and Sihelne ´ as a part of Podbeskydska ´ furrow and the region of Z ˇdiar in the in-between-mountain position between Spis ˇ Magura and Belianske Tatras
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