This looks like a train station! I can't even see her."
"She's here, I can feel it."
Then blasting is heard at the lower left, "There!" Anakin exclaims.
Anakin and Obi-Wan activate their Lightsabers and jump down.
(F/N) watches them jump, "Oh what the-"
"What's the hold up Zero?" Anakin asks.
"I don't have your Jedi Jumping crap!"
"Oh, right, well, try?" Anakin asks.
"Smooth Anakin." Obi-Wan said.
(F/N) sighs, he pumps himself up, he starts the video and pulls his sword out, "Here we go!"
He runs and jumps, landing and doing a combat roll on a platform, luckily.
(F/N) gets up and sprints and jumps, landing on a train, he sees Obi-Wan and Anakin ahead, Anakin jumps down on another train, (F/N) gets to the front of the train.
"General Kenobi, can you try and pull me with your force?"
"I got you, ready, jump!"
(F/N) jumps, Obi-Wan pulls him fast, (F/N) rolls and gets up, he goes to Obi-Wan.
"Where's Skywalker?"
"Down there."
"Ah, and the golden droid?"
"I got him." He pulls C-3PO up, but a train intercepts, by hitting into him.
"That's not good." (F/N) said.
Obi-Wan then contacts Anakin, then hears Padme saying that they almost had the hyperdrive fixed.
"We're already heading in that direction, so I'll make certain that hyperdrive stays offline."
(F/N) then turns his comm off.
"Why did you-"
"Don't you think they can overhear our talk?"
Obi-Wan then ponders, "Oh no, well it's too late for that, they know we are heading there."
"It's alright, I always wanted to fight Grievous, whatever he looks like."
"You never heard of or seen Grievous?"
"Nope, today might either be my lucky day, or worst day. But that's everyday now."
"You said it.