Epiphytic or lithophytic ferns, usually rooted in the ground. Rhizome slender, long-creeping; upper surface bearing elongate tapering scales with peltate bases; lower surface closely adhering to substrate by means of dense short hairs. Fronds simply pinnate, not markedly dimorphic. Stipes scattered along rhizome, articulated to a phyllopodium; stipe and rachis grooved on upper surface. Pinnae articulated to rachis, generally lanceolate to falcate; anterior margin at base often auriculate; venation open, simple or forked; hydathodes prominent at vein endings on upper surface of pinnae. Sori superficial, usually in a regular row at vein endings and parallel with margins; indusium reniform to round, or absent. Spores spherical to ellipsoidal; surface with irregular wing-like folds.