School improvement in a post-industrial world
The post-industrial world
Over the last few decades, I have combined t1o frames to hammer out a way to think broadly about the evolution and growth of school improvement. One frame is historical analysis, studying school improvement over long stretches of time (Murphy, 1991, 2012;Murphy et al.,2001). The other frame is Tushman and Romanelli‘s (1985) seminal theory of organizational evolution, the punctuated equilibrium model of organizational change. The historical analysis provides the content of the narrative; the punctuated equilibrium model provides the frames to make sense of that content.
School improvement in a post-industrial worldThe post-industrial worldOver the last few decades, I have combined t1o frames to hammer out a way to think broadly about the evolution and growth of school improvement. One frame is historical analysis, studying school improvement over long stretches of time (Murphy, 1991, 2012;Murphy et al.,2001). The other frame is Tushman and Romanelli‘s (1985) seminal theory of organizational evolution, the punctuated equilibrium model of organizational change. The historical analysis provides the content of the narrative; the punctuated equilibrium model provides the frames to make sense of that content.
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