Your ad iPhone 4s gevy sim has been sent to verfication..
Once your ad is verified and accepted it will appear immediately on the site and we will notify you this by an e-mail. This may take up to a few hours, but we always try to keep this time to minimum.
Important: Please do not add another ad of the same Object
This message referes to the ad: iPhone 4s gevy sim of ID 801928523.
Your ad contains invalid photos
Your Ad is active but we apologize that the picture has been removed because it wasn’t related to ad subject or because of one of reasons below:
• stock/Internet image
• low quality
• cannot be correctly displayed
• containing external link
• irrelevant image
Get up to 5 times more replies by improving photos.
• Use original photos and do not use internet images. Remember,a picture is worth a thousand words!
• Avoid using low-light photos.Add multiple photos taken from different angles.
• OLX allows you to add up to 20 photos. Take advantage of that.
Thank you for using
Kind regards,
Olx Support Team