ntroduction to the internet
The internet or Net Was launched in 1969 when the United States funded a
Project that developed a national computer network called Advanced Research Project Agency Network The internet is a large network that connects smaller networks all over the globe together. The Web, also known as WWW and the World Wide Web, Was introduced in 1992 at the Center for European Nuclear Research ( CERN ) in Switzerland. Prior to the Web, the internet was all text-no graphics, animations, sound, or video. The Web made it possible to include these elements. It provided a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet. From these early research beginnings. The internet and the Web have evolved into one of the most powerful tools of the 21st century.
It is easy to get the internet and the Web confused, but they are not the same thing. The internet is the actual physical network. It is made up of wires, cables, and satellites. Being connected to this network is often described as being online. The internet connects over 65 million computers and resources throughout the world. The Web is a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet. Every day over a billion users
ntroduction to the internet The internet or Net Was launched in 1969 when the United States funded aProject that developed a national computer network called Advanced Research Project Agency Network The internet is a large network that connects smaller networks all over the globe together. The Web, also known as WWW and the World Wide Web, Was introduced in 1992 at the Center for European Nuclear Research ( CERN ) in Switzerland. Prior to the Web, the internet was all text-no graphics, animations, sound, or video. The Web made it possible to include these elements. It provided a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet. From these early research beginnings. The internet and the Web have evolved into one of the most powerful tools of the 21st century. It is easy to get the internet and the Web confused, but they are not the same thing. The internet is the actual physical network. It is made up of wires, cables, and satellites. Being connected to this network is often described as being online. The internet connects over 65 million computers and resources throughout the world. The Web is a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet. Every day over a billion users
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