1 . Warm up
I asked them about their favorite songs. They answer and shared their opinions. They were interested to answer the question.
Then I told them about the song that I would provide to them and told them that tried to guess what the song talk about. They shared their opinion in various ways.
2. Presentation
I opened the audio a time. They paid attention to listen. Then I asked about what they can hear from the song. They shared that they heard. Some spoke out just a word, some spoke with sentences. They tried to listen and were excited.
3. Practice
I provided worksheets that to them and explained how to do exercises. Then I opened the audio. They concentrated with the audio and wrote down missing words that they heard on their worksheets. Next I opened the audio again. They listened and checked their answers. Finally of this step, students tried to translate the lyrics to Thai. Some students couldn’t translate because they didn’t know vocabularies. I hint to them.
4. Production
I divided students to 5 groups. They got into 5 groups and I assigned each groups to role play. Then they discussed and designed how to role play in their groups. Next they practiced as their role playing. This step spent lot of times, so their role playing has to show next time.
The time for show, they made me unexpected because their shows were fun and realistically. Some shows were romantic, some were fun.
5. Wrap Up
After the shows ended, I asked them to summarize what they learned. They answered and repeated.