What's the matter John?
I feel awful.
Well, you look.OK.
No, no. I feel terrible. I've got a stomach ache.
That's probably because you ate too much chocolate cake last night, Dad!
No, it isn't.
Darling, when you feel ill, you always make a fuss. You're worse than the children!
What?! I don't make a fuss if i'm ill. Last year, when i broke my leg, I didn't even cry.
You're right. It's 8.15, John. You'll be late for work.
Work? When Mark is ill, you always let him stay at home. Do I have to go to work if i'm ill?
You're not ill!
I am. I think I've got a temperature too.
Shall I can an ambulance?
Well, if you aren't well, I'll call the doctor then.
No. I think I'll feel better if i stay at home and rest.
John! You've just got 'Mondayitis'!
What's that Mum?
Your dad doesn't like Mondays. He wants to stay at home.
I think it' contagious. I'm ill. I can't go to school.
Now, stop it both of you ang go and get ready!