How to build your own style of center:
Scoring Attributes:
Depending on the style of Center you want to play you may add 3pt Shot or Middle Shot.
Adding attributes to 3pt and Middle will allow the paint to be clear so your priority scorer can go into paint. These 2 stats are great for a center who likes to play with 2 bigs and if the team play-style is ISO.
Defensive Attributes:
This is where everything get complicated for center.
Steal: I would not add any unless you like to face up the pass which is pretty simple to do and work wonderfully [picture will be added to demonstrate]. I have no steal attributes and I avg more steals than most centers. But sometimes deep in my heart I want to move my offensive tree point into steal.
In this picture we have Lolo facing me up, what he is doing is stopping Valioa from passing. If Valioa does pass the ball to me Lolo will block the ball from getting to me and get a free steal and a wide open look for his ally. This is how you steal as a big