another technique was called the New Moon sucked s gram and the Way that was done is Anita was placed in the back and Airways introduced into that need all the patient and Bob place upright and that air word bubble up to the spine tingle into the center portion of the brain or the ventricles and these ventricles would fill with the air and now you have an extrinsic contract you can see the inside the brain which is how filled with air against the background of water and soft tissue the problem with this is brian doesn't like to be covered in air so these patients were after We're strapped into work what we call a somersault share and flipped in all different directions to Move that air throughout the ventricles and read a graphic lmages were taken because it was so painful and it wars so nauseating during this process of moving the patient upside down and backwards and forwards they were usually throwing up all over themselves so if CT scanning did nothing but replace the new months up a gram it would have been an absolute secess to ensure sleep and medical care but today we can image the whole bode from the top your head all the way down to your tears ok the first generation scanners were strictly a Imaging unit for the brain as I said before they were to slow down actually image anything that had motion at EIC the Chester the abdomen for scanners took about 20 minutes to produce a single image and they use the some rotate and translate mechanism that we saw all in the prototype images the scanner had a pencil beam configuration that pencil beam configuration would move across the brain and then we'll rotate one degree move across the brain again and then rotate one degree in you would do this all the way around to you got a 180 degree the information that was obtained from that stander was then sent to a computer that was off-site you gotta remember computers back then weren't like the missions We have today where everyone's got one on their cell phone these were actually expensive units in the idea was thus machines would be set up remotely the information will be sent over a phone line and the image is reconstructed because it was a promoter machine and it was programmed in Fortran it took about 20 minutes to produce a single image not the whole