(5) Any buildings built in the relevant area at the time when park planning changing a natural village district in a park to a natural environment district in a park or a nature conservation district in a park is determined and announced may be expanded, renovated and reconstructed below the scale prescribed by Presidential Decree and their special purpose may be changed to facilities necessary for their own functions.
Article 21 (Legal Fiction of Permission, etc. Granted under Other Acts)
The park management agency shall, where it determines or alters park planning, be deemed to have obtained authorization, permission, a license, approval or consent or to have held consultation referred to in the following subparagraphs, and where it grants permission for acts pursuant to Article 23, it shall be deemed to have obtained permission referred to in subparagraph 12:
1. Authorization of installing exclusive waterworks under Articles 52
and 54 of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act
2. Permission for implementation of river conservation work under Article 30 of the River Act
and permission for occupying river under Article 33 of the same Act
and permission for use of river water under Article 50 of the same Act
3. Permission for occupying and using public waters under Article 5 of the Public Waters Management Act
4. A license to reclaim public waters under Article 9 of the Public Waters Reclamation Act
5. Permission for implementation of road construction under Article 34 of the Road Act
and permission for occupying a road under Article 38 of the same Act
6. Permission for opening a private road under Article 4 of the Private Road Act
7. Permission for the diversion of a mountainous district under Article 14 and a report of the diversion of a mountainous district under Article 15 of the Management of Mountainous Districts Act;
8. Permission for or a report of deforestation of standing trees, etc. under Articles 19 (5)
, 36 (1) and (4)
, and 45 (1) and (2) of the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act
9. Permission for deforestation, etc. in an erosion-control area under Article 14 of the Work against Land Erosion or Collapse Act;
10. Permission for access to a restricted and protected area under Article 9 (1) 1 of the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act;
11. Permission for the diversion of farmland and consultation thereon under Article 34 (1) of the Farmland Act