Now the lines of allegiance have been re-drawn. Enemies now condemned by their Lord, stand among the Soul Reapers in one common purpose, Destroy Juha Bach. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" words that have now rung true this day. Now, the bells of battle beckon them onward, ever downward on the path of destruction. The unseen forces of creation bear witness to these days, and from their mouths the mantra comes forth.
"The clocks tick onward, ever closer to the fatal hour. Come all of the masses! For this day marks the end of the prelude! The lines have been broken and have been reforged anew! Once divergent paths now converge at this one place, the Royal Palace marks the start, and the world marks the end! So bear witness ye little lambs! For time waits for none!"
Tune in with SoulMadness next time for: Bleach 624 The United Front