Ticket restrictions
Advance Single
Ticket Type
Non-refundable ticket, only valid for the date, time and trains specified.
You must travel on the date, time and trains specified. You may not start, break and resume, or end your journey at any intermediate station except to change to/from connecting trains as shown on the ticket(s) or other valid travel itinerary.
Can be booked up until the day before travel, subject to availability.
No refunds available.
Amending Your Booking
Yes - date/time of tickets can be changed up until time of departure (except if you have chosen to print your own e-ticket(s) or have chosen for your ticket(s) to be delivered to your mobile phone) subject to the payment of a GBP 10.00 fee per ticket per person and any difference in fares. It is not possible to purchase a cheaper fare than the original, nor to change the origin or destination.
Child discounts, 16-25 Railcard, Family and Friends Railcard (standard class only), Senior Railcard, Two Together Railcard, HM Forces and Disabled Persons Railcards discounts apply.
Read more at https://www.thetrainline.com/buytickets/combinedmatrix.aspx?Command=TimeTable#Journey/LONDON%20EUSTON/LIVERPOOL%20LIME%20STREET/23/05/16/19/00/Leave After//////Leave After/1/0//#YxTz0sAJTsth73rC.99