A model village for sufficient health under the “Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” (SEP)
using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method was developed in a rural community
in the middle region of Thailand. The three main concepts of SEP consisted of: moderation,
rationality, and self-immunity reflecting the middle-path of living, using participatory action
research methodology that included action planning, action taking, and the evaluation
process. As a result, six health-related activities were initiated and performed by the villagers
in the model village. The results showed that by using the PAR process in the development of
a model village the SEP can be integrated into and is inseparable from daily life activities,
which can influence the villagers' health beliefs and health-related practice. The lessons
learned included community dynamics, reasearcher and villagers relationships, health
management, and factors that contributed to successful and unsuccessful outcomes.