The efficacy of using screwpress extraction for oil was studied with three Controlled Ecological Life-Support
System (CELSS) candidate oilseed crops (soybean, peanut, and canola), since use of volatile organic solvents for
oil extraction likely would be impractical in a closed system. Low oil yields from initial work indicated that a
modification of the process is necessary to increase extraction efficiency. The extracted oil from each crop was
tested for stability and sensory characteristics. When stored at 23”C, canola oil and meal were least stable to
oxidative rancidity, whereas peanut oil and meal were least stable to hydrolytic rancidity. When stored at 65°C
soybean oil and canola meal were least stable to oxidative rancidity, whereas peanut oil and meal were least stable
to hydrolytic rancidity. Sensory evaluation of the extracted oils used in bread and salad dressing indicated that
flavor, odor intensity, acceptability, and overall preference may be of concern for screwpress-extracted canola oil
when it is used in an unrefined form. Overall results with screwpress-extracted crude oils indicated that soybean
oil may be more stable and acceptable than canola or peanut under typical storage conditions.