Measures To evaluate developmental and behavior patterns in the mild TBI and control intervention groups before injury, a detailed interview was conducted with the child parent or guardian at the 1-week assessment. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 27 and the Rowe Behavioural Rating Inventory (BRI) 28 were completed at this time by the child parent or guardian as they applied to the child preinjury behavior. Because each subscale on the Rowe BRI
had a different total, scores for each subscale were standardized, so the maximum score was 5. The Post Concussion Syndrome Checklist (PCSC) 29 was used to document injury-related symp toms via discussion with the parent and child. Neuropsychological measures included the Pea body Picture Vocabulary Test 30 as an estimate of intelligence. Measures of mem ory, attention, and speed of information processing included the
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML) Verbal Learning/Delayed Recall and Visual Learning/Delayed Recall subtests 31 the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children III Digit Span and Coding subtests 32
the 2.8-second pacing of the Children Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (CHIPASAT) 33 the children version
of the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task, and the Contingency Naming Task (CNT). 34 These measures were repeated 3 months after injury, and parents and children again completed the PCSC, the CBCL, and the Rowe BRI, as they applied to the child current behavior. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales35 were also admin
istered at this time to evaluate the impact of the injury on behavior patterns and proficiency in carrying out daily activities. Any other form of assistance sought in relation to effects of the injury was also documented.