Banging or noisy water pipes when turning on or off water at a faucet
Spitting from the water faucet aerator when water is turned on
Short water heater life
Leaking faucets
Running toilets
Reduced washing machine or dishwasher life due to leaks
Septic drainfield flooding and failure if your building is connected to a private septic system
Increased sewer bill costs in communities who base their sewer charges on water usage metering.
Increased hot water heating costs: if water pressure is unnecessarily high, the increased volume and rate of cold water flowing through a home water heater increases the operating cost of that appliance.
Wasted water - running water at higher-than-needed pressure and flow wastes water in daily fixture use. Watts estimates that twice as much water flows through a plumbing system at 150 psi as flows at 50 psi and that "... much of this additional water is wasted."
Water heater tank explosions - see our warning notes below.
Wire Draw Leaks at Pressure Reducers are caused by excessive municipal water pressure, leading to relief valve spillage, relief valve clogging, possible BLEVE explosionsor boiling liquid vapor explosion. Or less dramatic, building leaks that cause flooding can also lead to costly mold contamination.