chronic diseases at cows and residual heavy metals in different organs and tissues. The toxicological investigation
revealed the following main pathological states in cows: 18% marasmatic syndrome with toxic and deficiency
etiology, 20% lung affections, 18% hepatopathia and under the 10% gastric diseases. The hematological and
biochemical examinations revealed hyporegenerative aplastic anemia, hypophosphatemia, liver and kidney
dysfunctions, bone and joint dysfunctions. Lead retention in the liver was 0.62 ppm (HAL 0.5 ppm) and cadmium
was 0.82 ppm (HAL 0.05 ppm). Lead retention in the kidney was 1.05 ppm (HAL 0.5 ppm) and cadmium was 2.13
ppm (HAL 0.05 ppm).