LET have a look at your business card. Is it there ? If it is, and trendy, what you need is an e-mail address, preferable one on the Internet, the global computer network that can conect you with everything from heads of state to private companies, scholars and computer freaks. Access to the Internet will be a must , in years to come , according to may , we do know that the Internet is one of the hottest issues in information technology today.
The Internet was born in the US over two decades ago, where, for many years, its main element was a Pentagon-run network known as Arpanet.
But the Internet has since evolved into a global computer network umbrella, incorporating many dofferent national and regional networks. Today , and more are coming on line everyday.
For years used and administered primarily by computer departments at universities and educations, this phenomenon represented a rather closed world. Then, last year, something happened. President Clinton got himself an Internet account.
Among other subsequent changes, advertisements began to appear on Internet; Vice President AI Gore spoke about the information Superhigh-way and upgrading Internet’s capacity; private companies rushed to set up Internet accounts: politicians exchanged notes over Internet and a growing number of law suits have been filed over issues related to the Internet. It was no longer only a resource for academics, computer enthusiasts and the like.
LET have a look at your business card. Is it there ? If it is, and trendy, what you need is an e-mail address, preferable one on the Internet, the global computer network that can conect you with everything from heads of state to private companies, scholars and computer freaks. Access to the Internet will be a must , in years to come , according to may , we do know that the Internet is one of the hottest issues in information technology today.
The Internet was born in the US over two decades ago, where, for many years, its main element was a Pentagon-run network known as Arpanet.
But the Internet has since evolved into a global computer network umbrella, incorporating many dofferent national and regional networks. Today , and more are coming on line everyday.
For years used and administered primarily by computer departments at universities and educations, this phenomenon represented a rather closed world. Then, last year, something happened. President Clinton got himself an Internet account.
Among other subsequent changes, advertisements began to appear on Internet; Vice President AI Gore spoke about the information Superhigh-way and upgrading Internet’s capacity; private companies rushed to set up Internet accounts: politicians exchanged notes over Internet and a growing number of law suits have been filed over issues related to the Internet. It was no longer only a resource for academics, computer enthusiasts and the like.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

LET have a look at your business card. Is it there ? If it is, and trendy, what you need is an e-mail address, preferable one on the Internet, the global computer network that can conect you with everything from heads of state to private companies, scholars and computer freaks. Access to the Internet will be a must , in years to come , according to may , we do know that the Internet is one of the hottest issues in information technology today.
The Internet was born in the US over two decades ago, where, for many years, its main element was a Pentagon-run network known as Arpanet.
But the Internet has since evolved into a global computer network umbrella, incorporating many dofferent national and regional networks. Today , and more are coming on line everyday.
For years used and administered primarily by computer departments at universities and educations, this phenomenon represented a rather closed world. Then, last year, something happened. President Clinton got himself an Internet account.
Among other subsequent changes, advertisements began to appear on Internet; Vice President AI Gore spoke about the information Superhigh-way and upgrading Internet’s capacity; private companies rushed to set up Internet accounts: politicians exchanged notes over Internet and a growing number of law suits have been filed over issues related to the Internet. It was no longer only a resource for academics, computer enthusiasts and the like.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..